Tuesday, January 15, 2013

stirring up grace and mercy - Jan 3

there's something stirring in my heart today. i've been preaching to myself all morning. in emails to others and conversations with myself about things that need to be done. apparently God has some things that i need to take care of.

1. be purposeful
     - not just in the way of making plans for your life because i don't really do that. because i suck at it. if i make the plan, it's going to be broken. i'm a floater. i float through life. it's just how i'm made. i'm pretty flexible when i have the resources needed to make things happen. but it can be a blessing and a curse. a blessing in that i'm a little more flexible. i can roll with the punches without worrying too much how we're going to get to the finish line. i just know we'll make it. a curse in that i'm unstable. there is hardly ever a set plan and it tends to exhaust me completely when i have to be structured for any length of time.

     it's more of a call to be mindful of how you affect the people in your life with what you were created to do.

   that's huge. so many people claim that they don't know what they want to do with their lives. i don't think that's true. i think they're just caught between money and their hearts. i know i have been. i love talking to people, hearing their stories and helping them heal. that's what i was put here to do. breathe life into people. nothing about that reads: money. NOTHING. at least not where i want to be - in the trenches with the foulest, smelliest, worst offenders of life. the people that have no hope, no help, and no way of living on their own. that is who i am, that is what i must do.

2. grace and mercy
     - 2013 is the year of grace and mercy for me. it's time to love myself. not in an instinctual, self-serving way. in a way that means that i do what's best for myself most of the time, treat myself some of the time and just really appreciate and respect myself all of the time. if i can do that for me, imagine how i would move through life treating others. if i would give myself the grace and mercy to make mistakes, life would be so much easier to maneuver. God would be much easier to understand and see on a regular basis. love would be so much easier to freely give. when you operate in grace and mercy, broken hearts aren't always weak, sad vessels. sometimes they are strong and caring - just a little disappointed.

3. be still
     - let things settle in your spirit. whether it's a sunrise, a good word in church, an encouragement from a friend, a good song - take a moment and let them marinate. hear it. receive it. those are the moments that make life beautiful. those moments when you see who God is through nature and people. soak it in and love Him back