Monday, April 28, 2008

and so Seri has been doing his thing, i've been doing my thing, and sometimes we do things together. the latest happening was that i invited him to take a discarded ticket from a friend of mine for the jay z/mary j blige concert (which was awesome!!) and he said he would. then he backed out. then he decided to go. then i told him to man up which apparently talked him into going. then he decided for real not go. about 5 minutes before the show started. surprisingly, i wasn't mad. i was amused - slightly annoyed though because he waited until the last minute to tell me.

the reason i'm not that angry is because he FINALLY told me (not in so many words) that he's in love with his ex. so maybe that should make me angry but it actually makes me feel better because i know it's not me. i know that i'm not crazy. he wants his cake and eat it too and well, he's not having it. i'm not giving him what he wants and apparently she's not either. so he's almost SOL. and this weekend i put him in the "friend" box. men know you don't recover from that.

so i'm good. i'm fine. and attended the BEST concert i have been too EVER. jay-z is not the cutest man alive but that Brooklyn swagger gets me every time!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

favorite inappropriate quote of 02.11.08

1st person: then i'll flash him and say, "if you ... i'll give you some."
2nd person: and then i'll walk up and say, "hi, my name is...but you can call me some."

it was almost as good as "the trick is to walk flat-footed".

Thursday, February 7, 2008

and so i've officially signed up for the Hood to Coast Relay .
and i'm officially freaked out about it.

so in my obsessive-compulsive way, i've downloaded all kinds of training programs to be sure that i have all of my bases covered. the plan is to be able to run a half marathon in 5 months. which would put me where i need to be. but like i said, i'm freaked out and don't know how i'm going to do it. so when you see me with a glazed look - wandering around in running gear - mumbling inaudible ramblings. you know what happened. i'll be fine.

i'm just trying to get my forrest gump on.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

i gave in and had another date with seri on friday and it was good. but now i'm a little confused. ok, a lot confused. i'm stupid i know. but i'm a girl and this is what some of us do. we date guys that we know aren't good for us and then complain to all of our friends about it.

enter girl ramblings:
so the confusing thing about the date was that it was so fricking normal and comfortable. i could see us being together for a while if it turned into that. but i don't know if i want that. ok, so on one hand i do and on the other i don't. we know the issues, but i'm getting to know him better and it's this crazy dichotomy of personalities. or what i perceived as a dichotomy of personalities. i'm so attracted to him and well, i'm assuming he's attracted to me or we wouldn't have these issues right? i just don't know what he wants.

i wish they had patches that you could wear on your arm to get rid of the craving for people that are bad for you. a seri patch would be good right now.

i need a seri patch - oh yeah, and i'm joining a relay marathon at work as an alternate. am i crazy or what?